Exciting Electrochemistry at MRS Boston

The upcoming Fall MRS Meeting in Boston will certainly not disappoint the electrochemical science crowd.  It is exciting to see how extensive the use of electrochemistry has become for the materials sciences areas, namely those in energy transfer, storage, and...

Catch the Wave Volume 3 – Rotators

We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed!  If not, we recommend starting with the first and second articles in this series.  Our first article focused on the WaveNow and the second article provides a history of our older CBP bipotentiostat, to a more modern...

Making the “Wave”Driver Bipotentiostat

The second installment in our “waves”  series is here! We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed!  If not, we recommend starting with the first article in this series, which describes our use of “Wave” in product names.  Our first...