Let’s solve problems together!

Pine Research is a team of scientists and engineers who want to solve problems with other scientists and engineers.  We are successful when you are successful.  For those of you performing cutting edge research, let us know how we can help you. Do you need tools to...

Exciting Electrochemistry at MRS Boston

The upcoming Fall MRS Meeting in Boston will certainly not disappoint the electrochemical science crowd.  It is exciting to see how extensive the use of electrochemistry has become for the materials sciences areas, namely those in energy transfer, storage, and...

Beach Party at ECS Seattle!

Pine Research Instrumentation has been hard at work developing our latest research grade potentiostat, the WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS!  The official launch of the WaveDriver 200 will be at the 233rd ECS meeting in Seattle, WA.  The launch of...

Catch the Wave Volume 3 – Rotators

We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed!  If not, we recommend starting with the first and second articles in this series.  Our first article focused on the WaveNow and the second article provides a history of our older CBP bipotentiostat, to a more modern...