Can electrochemistry help the BRAIN Initiative?

The 256th ACS Fall National Meeting in Boston, MA is fast approaching.  This year’s theme is Nanoscience, Nanotechnology & Beyond. The Kavli Lectures will feature Dr. Jill Millstone of the University of Pittsburgh presenting Metal-ligand chemistry in...

Beach Party at ECS Seattle!

Pine Research Instrumentation has been hard at work developing our latest research grade potentiostat, the WaveDriver 200 Bipotentiostat/Galvanostat with EIS!  The official launch of the WaveDriver 200 will be at the 233rd ECS meeting in Seattle, WA.  The launch of...

Catch the Wave Volume 3 – Rotators

We hope that you are caught up with our newsfeed!  If not, we recommend starting with the first and second articles in this series.  Our first article focused on the WaveNow and the second article provides a history of our older CBP bipotentiostat, to a more modern...